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Stand up comedy in Paris


Get your ticket for an exceptional show in the heart of Paris, at the Comédie Oberkampf theater, and enjoy an unforgettable evening of comedy with Funny American in Paris, this summer 2024!


Top US stand up comedians, all regular performers at NYC’s Comedy Cellar, perform in English in an outstanding 80 minute show. EXCELLENT lineup. Don't miss out on this unique opportunity to see these hilarious American stand up comedians, all with major television credits, including HBO, The Tonight Show, Comedy Central, and America’s Got Talent. Shows are at ComĂ©die Oberkampf, from July 10th to August 12th at 9:30PM, every day from Sunday to Thursday.

Comedy Show Performers

  • TOM COTTER - Runner up on ‘America’s Got Talent’, NBC’s ‘Tonight Show’
  • RAY ELLIN - ‘This Week at the Comedy Cellar’ on Comedy Central, ‘Late Net’
  • IAN LARA - HBO special, Comedy Central Special, NBC’s ‘Tonight Show’
  • BRIAN SCOTT McFADDEN - CBS ‘Late Show,’ new comedy special ‘Accents and Nonsense,’ CBS ‘Letterman Show’
  • DAN NATURMAN - NBC’s ‘Tonight Show,’ ‘America’s Got Talent,’ Conan
  • Lisa Raduszynski - France 2 ‘On n’demande qu’à en rire’, Rire & Chansons
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FUNNY AMERICANS IN PARIS à la Comédie Oberkampf : Distribution

  • Tom Cotter : Humoriste
  • Ray Ellin : Humoriste
  • Ian Lara : Humoriste
  • Brian Scott McFadden : Humoriste
  • Dan Naturman : Humoriste
  • Lisa Raduszynski : Humoriste

FUNNY AMERICANS IN PARIS - Avis des spectateurs (1)

RĂ©diger Un Avis


VERY FUNNY § we had a wonderful time ! on recommande aux anglophones mĂȘme ceux dont ce n'est pas la langue maternelle car c'est trĂšs comprĂ©hensible sur le plan linguistique et trĂšs drĂŽle ! BRAVO !
Voir plus

Ety - 17/07/2024



115 rue du Chemin Vert
75011 Paris

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