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La V.O. des Feux présente PLAN C, avec Caspar Schjelbred !

PLAN C is a one-man variety show, an existential and absurd comic performance with a considerable dose of clowning and mime. Scandinavian functionalism meets French flair as our hero, Caspar, transforms between all kinds of characters, demons and other likely or unlikely figments of his imagination.
PLAN C est un seul-en-scène comique, un spectacle existentiel et absurde avec une bonne dose de mime et d’art clownesque. Le fonctionnalisme scandinave rencontre le je-ne-sais-quoi français dans les transformations de notre héros, Caspar, en toutes sortes de personnages, démons et autres émanations de son imaginaire.
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Distribution PLAN C

PLAN C - Avis des spectateurs (1)

Rédiger Un Avis


Funny, brave and dynamic We went to see Plan C during the latest run at Les Feux de la Rampe and thoroughly enjoyed it. The characters and scenarios created by Caspar were intriguing, often funny and provided a show full of variety. The sound and light complimented the movement and scene development to deliver an immersive experience. Caspar's engagement with the audience made for a good ambience with a decent amount of tension in the air as you wonder what will come next. Overall it was an hour very well spent and I would highly recommend it.
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Ollie - 02/04/2018



75009 Paris

Voir la salle
Métro : Cadet (ligne 7), Richelieu Drouot (ligne 9) / Bus : Provence - Faubourg Montmartre (Bus : 48, 67, 85, 74) / Parking : à proximité / Vélib' À Proximité / Autolib' À Proximité

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